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How to Optimize Product Photos on Amazon

Discover the key strategies for optimizing product photos on Amazon to boost conversion rates and outperform your competitors. In this final part of our guide, we'll dive into Amazon's rules, how to present your products effectively, and tips for creating images that sell.
how to optimize product photos on amazon
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Part 4 of 4 – This is the final part of a multi-step guide on how to optimize product pages on Amazon. In this last and fourth part, we will go through the optimization of product photos on Amazon. Understanding this is crucial for achieving a high conversion rate on Amazon's platform.

“An image is worth more than a thousand words”

Product titles and descriptions are important, but often, isn't it the images that make the final decision? How do you shop online? Do you first look through the product photos and only then possibly read the description? This is undoubtedly the case for most people. Therefore, it’s crucial to have high-quality and informative images. Photos that boost conversion rates and ultimately lead to the customer adding the product to their cart.

Beyond ensuring that your photos convert, Amazon also has several rules and guidelines that you should follow for maximum results. I will now walk you through everything step by step, and by the end of this part, you will have a complete understanding of how to optimize product photos on Amazon.

Amazon’s Rules and Standards for Product Photos

Amazon has a number of rules regarding photos, as well as some recommendations that, if followed, can enable additional functionality. The rules are often easy to follow and primarily concern image size. For the main image, which is the first image on your product page, there are additional rules.

Image Size Guidelines

Images should be at least 1000px on either width or height. However, Amazon recommends a width of 2560px. Ensuring your images are large enough provides good resolution and also allows you to use Amazon’s zoom function. The zoom function lets customers get a closer look at your product when they hover over the image. You can use images that are smaller than 1000px (down to 500px), but then the zoom function won’t work.

Accepted Formats

Amazon allows four different formats for images: JPEG, TIFF, GIF, and PNG.

File Naming

According to Amazon, the file name must include a product identifier code (ASIN, EAN, GTIN, or UPC) and end with the file format, e.g., B00123456.jpg or 0237425673485.tif.

This is something that Amazon doesn’t seem to strictly enforce. I’ve never encountered any issues when uploading an image with a different file name, which I almost always do.

Main Image Requirements

The main image, that is, the first image on the product page, has stricter rules than the other images.

  • The image must be a professional photo of the product—no illustrations are allowed.
  • The image must not contain any unnecessary or confusing objects. For example, if the product is a t-shirt, a model can wear the t-shirt, but the model should not also be carrying a bag over their shoulder.
  • All colors of the product must be realistic, and the product must cover 85% of the frame.
  • The entire product must be visible.
  • The background must be pure white (RGB 255, 255, 255).
  • The image must not contain any additional text, graphics, or inset images.

Other Images

Other images on the product page do not have as strict rules as the main image, but there are still some rules* that must be followed.

  • The images must either show the product or relate to the product.
  • The product must be in focus, professionally lit, and photographed with realistic colors.
  • Other products and objects are allowed to demonstrate the use and size of the product.
  • Text and demonstrative graphics are also allowed.
  • Cropped and close-up images are permitted. Background and lifestyle images are also allowed.

*Amazons rules and algorithms change often. However, they do not frequently change regarding product photos. Still, I recommend checking Amazon’s own site for any new rules and standards.

Optimizing Your Product Images

Sure, following Amazon’s rules is good (and necessary), but it’s far from everything that’s needed to optimize your images. As with most aspects of selling on Amazon, it’s about looking at things from the customer’s perspective. What does the customer want to see? What questions do they want answered? What problems do they have?

If you sell yoga mats and you target customers looking for a premium product in the form of an extra-thick, non-slip mat, then it’s important to highlight this in the images. It may sound obvious, but few actually do this. Which is great for you if you’re ready to put in the extra effort to go all the way.

It can be challenging to convey a product’s advantages in a single image, but luckily, you can use more than one. Below are the six steps I recommend for creating images that actually convert.

Step #1 – Use the First Image to Present the Product and Its Feel

We must, as mentioned, follow Amazon’s rules regarding the main image, but there is still room for creativity. Much depends on how the product looks, but by presenting it in a specific way, such as using a model, you can enhance and change the impression.

Extra Tip: When looking for inspiration from competitors, download the images and review them. When you view them on Amazon, it’s hard not to be influenced by other elements on the product page (title, reviews, etc.).

Step #2 – Show the Product from Different Angles and Perspectives

Make sure to present the product in different positions and angles (top, bottom, sides, closed, open, etc.). Continuing with the example of yoga mats, take pictures of the top, bottom, rolled up, half-rolled, with a model using it, close-ups of the material, with graphics, etc. Really try to deliver the product’s feel through the photos.

Step #3 – Highlight the Product’s Advantages and Features

It’s important to try to emphasize the product’s different advantages and features. Focus on the benefits that are most important to the customer and use graphics or other tools to symbolize these.

  • Is it a thick yoga mat? Show it by taking a side shot and adding graphics that illustrate the mat’s thickness.
  • Is the mat water-resistant? Show this with descriptive graphics!
  • Does the product lend itself to specific environments? Show it with in-action photos when the product is used in that environment. And try to capture the feel.

Step #4 - Focus on Your Target Audience

If the yoga mat is aimed at the premium segment, don’t take a picture of the mat with a half-engaged model in an empty, cold room. Instead, use a setting and a background that exudes the feel you’re trying to sell, with a model that your target audience can relate to or, even better, look up to.

Step #5 – Showcase Different Variations

If you, for example, sell jars in different sizes, use an image to compare the different sizes side by side. This allows the customer to easily see the size differences and make an informed choice. Many times, uncertainty about size, color, or material is what ultimately prevents the customer from purchasing the product. The prices and images may look great, but if there’s such uncertainty, the customer may hesitate to click the buy button.

Step #6 – Use Images for Cross Promotion

If you sell multiple products within the same niche, don’t be afraid to use them together. For example, in a lifestyle image. Take the opportunity to highlight how your other products can be used alongside, say, the yoga mat.

How Many Images Should You Have on Amazon?

Amazon allows you to use up to nine photos. But often, only seven of them are displayed. Therefore, I recommend having at least seven photos, but it doesn’t hurt to upload nine. Furthermore, if you only have five really good photos, don’t upload two extra just to get to seven. The overall impression is what’s important, not the number of photos.

Summary - Product Photos on Amazon

I hope this has been helpful and that you now have a clearer understanding of how product photos should be used on Amazon. Remember, the photos should always be tailored to the product’s target audience and highlight the benefits that are most important to that audience.

If you need help taking professional product photos, there are many places you can turn to. The best option is to have a photographer or agency you can collaborate with in the future and build a relationship with. They will learn your brand’s message and language, which will improve the work and the results over time. Of course, you should also ensure the quality of the photographer. There are many mediocre services and agencies out there, but it’s definitely worth spending a little extra to get a better result. Remember, the result of all the work you put in and the ads you pay for will be affected by the quality of the images. So, taking really good photos often pays off multiple times over.

Therefore, avoid generic services like Fiverr and find someone you can truly rely on and who you know delivers good quality. I can strongly recommend Picobooster, which is the only Amazon-specialized photo studio operating in Sweden, and one that I trust. Their customer service is the best I’ve ever experienced (in all categories), and the results are fantastic.

This was the last part and therefore concludes this multi-step guide on optimizing product pages. I hope you can now create truly great product pages on Amazon. And if you need help, just reach out—information can be found at

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